Retro-Cade @ Alamo Drafthouse – Hosted By Raleigh Retro Gamers

Retro-Cade hosted by Raleigh Retro Gamers, Alamo Drafthouse & Video Vortex
A radical retro game night with tons of FREE play on everything from NES to SEGA. 2000+ retro games projected on a 6×6 ft screen! 100’s of retro games for sale/trade! NES, SNES, N64 and more. Open to the public 18+ FREE Admission and FREE to play!
GAME COMPETITION: High Score Fest! Compete on the big screen to get the highest score! (Game will be announced prior to event) Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place!
Also, enjoy retro board gaming along with fantastic drinks and groovy food! Guys this will be our last event of the year so come out and hang with everyone! This venue is awesome!

The NES Page is a fan-based organization for retro & modern gaming enthusiasts, collectors, and nostalgia seekers. We work within the gaming community to increase awareness and overall fandom for those who grew up in the 80’s, and 90’s, or are fans of the classic gaming era. We aim to promote the retro & modern gaming community and its contributors.